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Be Well Prepared for “Sands Field” / Haiwang Coarse Removal and Fine Sands Recovery Process Solution
Time: 2022-05-20 Font Size

Uncontrollable module of mechanism sands and relatively more coarse particles of oversize in the final sands are the inevitable problem in current mechanism sands production.


Haiwang coarse removal, sands washing and fine sands recovery process can reach the process target of “coarse removal and fine collection” by the way of removing coarse from mechanism sands in line with the above situation.


Haiwang coarse removal, sands washing and fine sands recovery process can take the way of removing coarse before washing or removing coarse after washing in accordance with the site practical situation. The former is to wash sands after the pre-removal of coarse, which is mainly applied for raw material with relatively coarse particles. The latter is to remove coarse and water after sands washing, which is mainly applied for raw material with relatively less coarse particles.
